Thursday, June 28, 2012

And if you needed another reason...

I have a long list of blogs of friends, friends of friends, and strangers that I read for inspiration and to know what's going on with my friends and with the world.  My friend Haley was one of my inspirations for creating this blog (it's pretty obvious when you look at the title of her blog and that of mine...apparently she inspired me to create a blog but I was lacking imagination with my title and came up with something not much different than she did.  Hey, at least the blog was created!)  Anyhow, in addition to wonderful pictures and stories of her travels, she also shares stories about those small moments of beauty and happiness that we often overlook as well as articles, pictures, videos, etc. of the things that inspire her.  Today she shared a TED Talk on the importance of sanitation.  It provided one more reason to proud of myself and my students for the work we did to raise money for Spark Microgrants, as the money is helping a school to build a bath house and to develop a health and hygiene curriculum.  Here's the video to better understand why this could make such a huge impact on the school (we are finding about half of the project, p.s.!):

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