Monday, January 2, 2012

Colombian Road Trip to Los Nevados - Day 1

As a true friend in adventure, Juan Carlos accompanied me (and provided the car and most of the driving) on a tour of a new part of the country that included Los Nevados – a mountain range in the central region of Colombia crossing three states: Caldas, Risaralda, and Tolima.  I’ve made a post for each day of the trip.  I tried to include the important details but writing all this AFTER the trip was a bit exhausting.

Day 1
Anapoima - Ibagué
And we're off!
We left Anapoima the afternoon of January 2nd to begin our road trip.  For those of you who do not, I LOVE driving/riding in a car – music, windows down, beautiful scenery – best case.  I was pumped.  For our first stint, we drove a couple of hours to Ibagué and were scheduled to spend the night with Juan Carlos’ cousin.  The views were excellent and we scoped out the road we were going to need to take the next day (and discovered that we should NOT take our car with us because the roads were too treacherous for our little Volkswagen Beetle).  That evening about a handful of Juan Carlos’ family and we had a few beers with them before settling in for the night at his cousin’s home.  The house is high up in the hills of a small pueblo outside of Ibagué.  It used to be a restaurant and disco club and it is old and beautiful, with an incredible view of the area.  We zonked out, prepared to wake early – 5 am for our adventure.
Juan Carlos (left) and his cousins

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I think I'll enjoy this road trip vicariously. Meeting more of the family I see. . .
