Monday, February 6, 2012

Getting out of my rut

Yikes!  It's been nearly a month since I added to this blog.  I apologize for those of you who like to read about my various escapades.  I have no good excuse, except that living in Colombia has started to feel normal and when that happens nothing seems blog-worthy.  However, after having a wonderful and much-needed conversation with my dear friend Sophia (also a blogger who has just recently moved to Berlin), she reminded me that there are others who read this and even if there aren't this will be an excellent "scrapbook" for me 5 years from now when I want to reminisce.

So, my goal is to start sharing the highlights of my week (with pictures) of the things that I love in my life to matter how trivial they may seem.  Again, sorry for the lack of pictures but here are some of the highlights that have taken place recently...and perhaps in the near future I will expand on some of them:

1.  Recently got in touch with some Americans  - we have the Teach For America connection - and have had some fun get-togethers with them.  It's a handful of American-Colombian couples so it's a great balance of speaking in English (it's a nice break) and practicing Spanish (greatly needed).
2.  Went to a pub to watch the Giants win (woo hoo!) with this lovely group of people.
3.  I am a part of the curriculum committee at my school and as my Spanish improves, I am starting to feel more and more useful.  This month I suggested that members of the committee and the department heads also be observed during Rondas (rounds) and we did just that.  It was nice to have people in my classroom, see that great work my students are doing, and my recognized for my hard work.  It was also awesome to see other excellent teachers in action - made Rondas much more of a balanced discussion about what works well in the classroom and what other approaches are less effective.
4. At the very beginning of the month I had the opportunity to attend a wedding.  It was beautiful and SO much fun.  I've included some pictures from that event (probably the last time I took a photo here) to make this blog less boring.
5. I've begun applying for some consulting jobs as a way to make some extra cash, further develop my skills in curriculum writing, and fill some of my extra time feeling helpful. Will keep you posted - hopefully with good news.
6. Started practicing with the girls basketball team every Monday morning at the school (at 6 am...oof).  It is a killer workout and so fun to get to know other students.  I also think the coach appreciates having an extra hand.  Which I could practice with them more but I have a weekly department meeting the other morning that they practice.  So sad...but glad I'm finding at least a little time to exercise.


  1. Appreciate the shout-out and for the record, I read your week's highlights with fascination even though we had already discussed most of them on the phone. ;)

  2. Wow! You're so pretty in your pictures (and in real life). The wedding looks like it had a Carinvale or Mardi Gras theme. I just came back froma wedding like that (except it was at the end of February just before Mardi Gras and just after Carnivale). Glad you're blogging again. It's good reading about what goes on there. And I love that you're a master teacher, helping others with excellent teaching, and writing curricula. You GO girrrl.
